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Creative juices are flowing today. That could mean it’s time to make a cake or that it’s time to launch an entirely new career as an artist. It’s up to you, but this energy must be put to use. Want even more insight? Get your personalized Birth Chart today.

This Week

At the start of the week, you could be reflecting on what you’re willing to give in order to receive something of value (think in terms of your time for money or contending with power struggles in your work relationships). Zooming out and looking at the big picture helps you gain clarity. Later in the week, the cosmos requires that you take special care to express your desires to your partner or another someone special. You would also do well to go back over the details around your joint resources, getting reorganized and finding common ground on financial disagreements. Then you can both move forward in an even more rewarding way. Who were you in a past life? Discover where your karma will lead you with a personalized Karma Report.

This Month

Spiritual Work

As November gets underway, Sagittarius, there is a powerful emphasis on your sector of spirituality. With feisty Mars newly in this zone and stirring up your psyche, it wouldn’t be surprising if you had vivid dreams and flashes of intuition. The coming weeks are excellent for letting go of emotional baggage, finding closure on lingering issues, and tying up loose ends.

The new moon supermoon in Scorpio and a secluded zone on November 4 can be a call to initiate new practices. Anything that can help you find peace of mind, heal from painful experiences, or tap into your inner resources is worth considering. 

Even so, this fabulous lunar phase opposes restless Uranus in Taurus, which can make you impatient to get results. Anything worth doing is worth doing well, so wait until you feel more settled before you start.

Lovely Venus leaves your sign and moves into Capricorn and your money zone on the fifth, which can give you a taste for luxury. However, Venus in this practical sign can also encourage you to make do, recycle, and save your money instead of spending on things you don’t need. A balance between the two means you can enjoy some treats while still sticking to your financial goals.

There’s a powerful lunar eclipse in Taurus and your lifestyle sector on November 19, so you might feel overwhelmed by the work you have to do or perhaps disappointed with aspects of your life. This could push you to make changes that will bring you greater happiness and peace of mind. Letting go of whatever no longer serves your best interests can be a great starting point.

Finally, as the sun moves into Sagittarius on the twenty-first, followed by savvy Mercury three days later, you’ll be truly in your element. This is the time to focus on your needs, desires, hopes, and dreams. The coming four weeks are very much about you, so follow your heart and see where it leads.Reveal real-time guidance at your fingertips with the first-ever, astrology-centric digital dashboard. Get started with Astrology Plus today!

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